Everthorn Wiki

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Everthorn Wiki

Arrival on Everthorn[]

Having joined the realm officially, Trebil was confused on where to go, whilst waiting for his guide to the now dead kingdom of Dokuritsu. Whilst at spawn he was barrages by an incredible number of Creepers, Spiders and Skeletons, yet his very first kill was that of a Spider Jockey near Jake's Flower Shop. The first person he ever met on the realm was Poko within his Post Office, sorting through everyone's boxes, he gave Trebil a gift of Diamonds and a single netherite ingot then a Pigstep dance party happened on the first floor. On the second day, Trebil finally got a guided tour by his friend Sab and from the deranged former King Nya, both people he knew irl. It was a day of death for Trebil, as chunks failed to load in the capital and Nya constantly pushed him into these errors, causing Trebil to die from the void multiple times, and losing Poko's gift in the process.



Bondegard Island (Abandoned)[]

Bondegard Island is a farming island located North-West of Spawn Village, it was mostly a place for me to test my terraforming skills and to go without a plan mostly, which ended up being the downfall for this project as I'm not one who can just build without a plan in place. But at the end of the day, majority of the terraforming was complete at least.

Project Drunast (PT1) [Ceras][]

Ceras is the main city of the Drunast Region, and will be players starting points for a long and arduous journey through Drunast. The city has 2 main elevations, the lower portion is home to the poor of Ceras, they don't have the bright colourful walls of the Rich, or the beautifully paved roads, the higher elevation is home to the Rich, with beautiful homes, popping with vibrant colours and flora. Ceras also will have a Temple on top of the Western Mountain and Sewers running underneath the Rich Tier. Ceras will be housing 3 dungeons, 1 Major Dungeon and 2 Side Dungeons.

Upcoming Projects[]

Project Drunast (PT2) [Lush Canyon][]

Project Drunast (PT3) [Soreign the Spirit Tree][]

Project Drunast (PT4) [Cere the Cursed City][]

Project Drunast (PT5) [The Cursed Palace][]

Project Drunast (PT6) [The Dark Caverns][]


Realm Activity[]

Below lists his total game time each month.

Realm Activity 2023
Month/Year Total Time Placement
January 3 days, 18h57m 3rd
Febuary 21h38m 5th
March 1 day, 24m 8th
April 4h12m 22nd
May 6h07m 17th
June 20h25m 13th
July 3 days, 6h15m 4th
August 16h26m 13th
September 1 day, 3h35m 9th
Octember 5h36m 13th
November 2h19m 17th
December 21h28m 4th


  • Trebil is one of the few who remain from Nya's reign over Dokuritsu.
  • He won the EverWards Best Skin award in 2021.
