The Khalfani Reign[]
The Khalfani was an all-female succession. This family was destined to keep women in power of Solaris after the failed reign of Sultan Yusuf. After 100 years of female reign, Sultana Dalia had only produced male heirs, which were traditionally sacrificed shortly after birth to keep the feminine reign. After the sixth failed heir, Sultana Dalia knew she needed help from a divine source, and seeked out a witch from the Bellorn Mountain. After Solari troops forced the old witch to out of the mountain and to Solaris, the witch tricked the desperate Sultana and cursed Dalia. She cursed her to have one last child, but that he would be a boy, and bear the mark of the Snake God. That child was born shortly after, and of course, the marking of the Snake God Nehebkau was present. The Sultana believed this boy was destined to rule Terra Ignis. She named him Nehebkau, after the God.
The Massacre of the Palace[]
On his seventh birthday, Nehebkau took the lives of his mother, aunts, cousins, and every member of the Khalfani Family, leaving the young heir as the only survivor of the Khalfani Family. The Massacre of the Palace marked the beginning of the reign of Nehebkau. Nobody in the family would know the full extent of the Witch's Curse until it was too late. The Senate had no choice in Nehebkau's claim to the Throne. As the young boy was crowned, the Senate feared as his eyes finally turned into that of a snake.
Seconds after becoming the new Sultan, Nehebkau made a statement which shocked the population.
"I shall be Pharaoh" - Nehebkau, at the age of 7
This was unheard of. The title of Pharaoh was not used since Sultan Yaqub's father, the Pharaoh of Solis was in power, but that was an entirely different kingdom and land. Pharaoh was never used as a title in the Kingdom of Terra Ignis. It was reserved as a way to refer to Gods instead. So, nobody was prepared to this revelation, that Nehebkau was in fact a God.
The Pyramid of the Snake.[]
Nehebkau's first decision during his reign was the construction of The Pyramid of the Snake, as his future passageway into the next life. The Young Pharaoh also used this as a final resting place for his slain family, marked with recreated statues of the Monolith, a holy piece of ancient history that the Solari people worship.