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The Blackwood Dynasty has ruled the Stronghold for the last many centuries. The current family tree has only been gathered up to a century ago, starting with King Thorin. He was regarded as a great king.


Thorin's child, Drogan was named after the great Drogans that came before him. Drogan is a very powerful name, and this was of course reflected in his rule. The Dwarves believe that the name you give you child, shall reflect the way the child acts, and this became more important for the royal family, as there were different types of king needed for different eras. Each king had to think hard about naming their first child, as they need to think and reflect on the past, present, and imagine the future and what kind of king would be needed then.

When Theon married Helga Goldkin, he did not end up lasting long married to her. Within a year, they separated. Soon after, Throdem was born. He, and Helga claim that this is indeed Theon's child, but nobody can confirm, for Theon had died by the time Throdem learnt that he could be a real successor to the throne. The throne went to Thorin, who was the next in line. This side of the family was not great at leading. Thorin III had many affairs, but his first child, whom he named Thorin, ended up becoming king upon his death. Thorin IV then had a child, Kaldrid.

Kaldrid is an important name. It is the first name of its kind as King, which meant a lot. Kaldrid means "strength in unity", as he was needed to unite the dwarves after 2 Kings who ruled poorly. He ended up being usurped during the Revolutionary war, and was killed by Throdem himself, who is now the King.

Line of Succession[]

The firstborn male child is to be the next king. If he is dead, it goes to the next male child. If there are no children, then it goes to the closest male cousin. Historically, there are no queens, but Throdem has decided to name his wife a Queen, a new tradition which could be followed in the future.

It was never discussed formally, but it was said by King Drogan IV during one of his dinners that "If my firstborn son is to die, I wish the throne to go towards my daughter, Helga. She bears strength stronger than Harald, and wisdom wiser than perhaps even my own."

Meanings of Names[]

Thorin means a new beginning. A new "modern" era of the Blackwood Dynasty was started by Thorin, and he brought new things to the Stronghold. Any child named after Thorin was hoped to bring the same level of prosperity, and discovery to the Stronghold.

Thrain means the keeping of peace. As peace lasts longer and longer, a child might be named Thrain, in hopes that he can help keep that peace lasting even longer.

Drogan means Stone. This name is very powerful, as it shows that this man will not hold back, and cannot be broken. This name is used when there is long unrest, and a King is needed to put people into order, to teach them how to behave.

Theon means open. This name was given to Theon to show that he will be open to the new world that he is in. Theon became King not long afte the Conjunction happened, and thus he had to be open to seeing what this new, but familiar world had to offer.

Throdem has no real meaning. Meanings are usually given by the King when they name the child. Historically, the two Throdem kings who existed were both usurpers. This could mean that this name may be cursed.
