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Everthorn Wiki

Gamingwarrior65, founder of Cadarnle, Axolotl King, arrived in the lands of Everthorn on April 23, 2021. He is usually referred to as Ezio, Ethan, Gaming, and Comrade. Currently a hobbit going by the name of Ezio Blockins, he is involved in many of the projects on the current world.

"Still no blue axolotl.."

-Ezio, the hunt for the blue axolotl

Before Everthorn[]

Ezio, before joining Everthorn, used to own a realm. He played with his school friends and often changed worlds. Unlike his friends, he wanted a more permanent world where his builds would be remembered, so he set out to find a proper realm/server,


Unfortunately his application records no longer exist. Though we know he passed as he wouldn't have a wiki page if he didn't.

Social Interactions[]

Ezio is currently a Community Manager and has a a varying level of activity in the discord and server.



Server Activity[]

Ezio is quite active on the server, having a lot of free time to spend. However during a period from September-December 2022, Ezio took a break from the server, having faced another burn out and has become occupied in real life. He has been consistently active since February 2022

Below lists his total game time each month.

Server Activity
Month/Year Total Hours Placement
July 2022 12h43m 3rd
August 2022 3d, 16h39m 6th
September 2022 N/A N/A
October 2021 6d, 1h36m 1st
November 2021 4d, 6h23m 3rd
December 2021 1d, 0h48m 10th
January 2022 11d, 15h35m 1st
February 2022 5d, 17h37m 1st
March 2022 7d, 11h46m 1st
April 2022 0d, 0h00m 25th
May 2022 0d, 6hrs35m 10th
June 2022 3d, 7h14m 1st


  • Ezio has the highest recorded game hours, amassing over 200 hours since the activity tracker was implemented. He proclaims to be the most active player on the realm.
  • He has spent 3 weeks straight during the month of June attempting to be the first progenitor of the blue axolotl, to no avail, he was beaten by Pokey for that title.
  • Despite not being the first to birth a blue axolotl, he claims to be the axolotl king as he has bred over 500 axolotls, he has disposed a great number of them, however he still has double chests-full of axolotls.
  • Ezio started his journey of breeding axolotls in Nico's basement. Nico got to keep the first few chest-fulls, saving them from death.
  • His names, "Ezio" and "Aetos" are both greek translations of eagle, hence his literal name in English being, "Eagle Eagle".
  • "Bow ties are cool." Despite resembling the 11th Doctor, Ezio's skin is actually Oliver from the New Year's 2021 skin pack.